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Publication: 2021-12-03 00:00:00
Canada CanadaBuys

Analysis of Priority Chemicals in Canadian Aquatic Biota (5000060464)

Process Number PW-21-00977271


Publication date:

2021-12-03 00:00:00

Amendment date:


Date closing:

2022/01/04 14:00 Eastern Standard Time (EST)


Region of delivery:


End user entity:

Environment Canada

Procurement entity:

Environment Canada

Region of opportunity:


Tendering procedure:


Reference number:


Solicitation number:




The Contractor must provide analytical services including the results of analyses to ECCC as and when requested during the period of the Contract. Background: Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) Freshwater Quality Monitoring and Surveillance Division monitors and reports on the long-term status and trends of contaminants in aquatic biota, primarily fish, from water bodies across Canada. This Contract will cover the analyses for several chemical classes of concern to support the activities of the program requirements of Canada’s Chemicals Management Plan and to meet Canada’s objectives in the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between Canada and the United States. Scope: All analyses will be performed on whole body homogenates of fish or other aquatic biota samples as and when requested, for the target analytes in some or all of the chemical classes listed (Annex A1). More than one chemical class may be requested per sample. Detailed list of requested target analytes in each chemical class can be found in Annex A1, Chemical Classes with Target Analytes Chemical Classes: A: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) B: Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congeners C: Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) isomers D: Polychlorinated Paraffins E: Halogenated Flame Retardants *. % lipid and % moisture for each sample submitted * The results of these chemical classes should also include data on lipid and moisture content. Given the uncertain nature of field collections and operations, ECCC cannot guarantee the number of samples that will be submitted for analysis in any given year or for any specific chemical class. The Contractor will be paid based on a per sample basis for the given number of samples submitted by ECCC, and subsequently analyzed by the Contractor. The analytical services will include the results of analysis. The analysis will be performed on biota samples as requested for some or all of the chemical classes listed in Annex A1, Chemical Classes with Target Analytes. Limited sample may require multiple analysis per extraction, subcontracting requires the approval of the Contracting Authority. Method blanks and laboratory replicate analyses are to be conducted as part of Contractor’s quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program, and not to be considered as samples submitted. Due to the limited quantity and value of the samples covered in this contract, all analyses and method detection limits must be performed and achieved on a total sample mass not exceeding 20 grams. Tasks: The analytical services requested may include the following tasks: Extraction, clean-up where necessary, and analysis of biota samples using methods appropriate for quantification of some or all of the analytes listed in detail in Annex A1, Chemical Classes With Target Analytes. Submission of reports of the analytical results from all analyses to the Technical Authority in electronic format Samples are to be analysed in a batch system, with each batch consisting of a matrix blank, a spiked matrix sample and no more than 21 samples. Blank corrections or blank subtractions are not to be used. Deliverables: The Contractor must submit a report including: The concentration of each target analyte in the sample; The concentration of each target analyte in the blank The minimum detectable concentration of each target analyte (detection limit) with low level calibration standard All reports must be submitted electronically to the Technical Authority. This information is to be reported in adjoining columns on a spreadsheet. Target analyte concentration may be reported in nano or pico grams per gram wet weight of sample. QA data such as % recoveries, surrogate spikes (SRMs, & CRMs) must be reported. A narrative documenting any problems with the set of samples or data, including any corrective actions taken, resolutions, and explanation of any flagged data are to be reported to the Technical Authority. Chain of custody and sample submittal documentation is also to be provided electronically to the Technical Authority. If requested, all proposed methodologies are to be provided to the Technical Authority. Proposed method changes by the Contractor during the duration of the contract must be discussed with the Technical Authority. A comparison study of the existing method and proposed new methods must be provided to demonstrate that the two methods are comparable. In addition, information on the new method must be provided.

Contact information:

Contact name:

Hatzinikou, Samantha

Contact email:

Contact phone:

Contact address:

Contact Fax:

Solicitation Documents:

File Amendment Number Language Date added
5000060464_rfp_en_final.pdf 000 English 2021-12-03
5000060464_rfp_fr_final.pdf 000 French 2021-12-03