Engineering Drawings Services (W6381-23-0002/A)
Process Number PW-22-01001991
2022-07-29 00:00:00
Amendment date:None
Date closing:2022/09/12 14:00 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
National Capital Region
Department of National Defence
Department of National Defence
NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROCUREMENT (NPP) Engineering Drawings Services On an "as and when requested basis", the Department of National Defence has a requirement for Engineering Drawings Services, which includes the Request for Data Verification (RDV) process and the production and revision of Engineering Drawings and Associated Lists in support of Configuration Management, Procurement, Cataloguing and Documentation Control Activities. The Contractor must provide the services of one (1) Project Manager, one (1) Drafting Checker, up to two (2) Draftspersons, one (1) Technical Writer, one (1) Lead Translator and one (1) Translator. The period of the contract will be from the date of Contract to three (3) years later, with the irrevocable option to extend the term of the Contract by up to two (2) additional one-year periods under the same conditions. There are security requirements associated with this requirement. For additional information, consult Part 6 - Security, Financial and Other Requirements, and Part 7 - Resulting Contract Clauses. For more information on personnel and organization security screening or security clauses, Bidders should refer to the Contract Security Program of Public Works and Government Services Canada (http://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/esc-src/introduction-eng.html) website. This bid solicitation is to establish a contract with task authorizations for the delivery of the requirement detailed in the bid solicitation to the Identified Users across Canada, excluding locations within Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Quebec, and Labrador that are subject to Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements (CLCAs). Any requirement for deliveries within CLCAs areas within Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Quebec, or Labrador will have to be treated as a separate procurement, outside the resulting contract. This procurement is conditionally set aside under the federal government Procurement Strategy for Indigenous Business. For more information on Indigenous business requirements of the Set-aside Program for Indigenous Business, refer to Annex 9.4 of the Supply Manual. This is an open tender. However, it will be set-aside under the Government of Canada’s Procurement Strategy for Indigenous Business (PSIB) if two or more bids have been received by Indigenous businesses who are certified under the PSIB criteria and who may be listed in Indigenous Services Canada's Indigenous Business Directory (https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1100100033057/1610797769658). This procurement is subject to the Controlled Goods Program. The Defence Production Act defines Canadian Controlled Goods as certain goods listed in Canada’s Export Control List, a regulation made pursuant to the Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA). The Federal Contractors Program (FCP) for employment equity applies to this procurement; refer to Part 5 – Certifications and Additional Information, and Part 7 - Resulting Contract Clauses. The Crown retains the rights to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
Contact information:
Lam, Dennis
Contact email:dennis.lam@forces.gc.ca
Contact phone:613-219-5185
Solicitation Documents:
File | Amendment Number | Language | Date added |
rfp_w6381-23-0002-a_en.pdf | 000 | English | 2022-07-29 |
rfp_w6381-23-0002-a_fr.pdf | 000 | French | 2022-07-29 |
File | Amendment Number | Language | Date added |
application_for_registration_form_471-e.pdf | Not available | English | 2022-07-29 |
attachment_1_to_part_3_-_pricing_schedule.xlsx | Not available | English | 2022-07-29 |
formulaire_de_demande_dinscription_471-f.pdf | Not available | French | 2022-07-29 |
piece_jointe_1_de_la_partie_3_-_bareme_de_prix.xlsx | Not available | French | 2022-07-29 |