Roofing Repairs (EW038-230277/A)
Process Number PW-$PWZ-025-11366
2022-08-17 00:00:00
Amendment date:None
Date closing:2022/09/12 14:00 Central Daylight Time (CDT)
Northwest Territories
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Public Works and Government Services Canada
All interested suppliers may submit a bid
Trade Agreement: Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) Tendering Procedures: All interested suppliers may submit a bid Competitive Procurement Strategy: Best Overall Proposal Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: Yes Nature of Requirements: Roofing Repairs - Various locations, Yellowknife, North West Territories EW038-230277/A Colin Simard Telephone No.: (204) 583-7859 Email: colin.simard@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca NOTE TO BIDDERS: Due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and to encourage physical distancing, the bid receiving unit in Winnipeg will remain open but with limited staff and limited hours: Monday and Thursday, 9 am to 11 am, and Tuesday, 9 am to 2 pm (local time). Public tender openings will be suspended until further notice. Following solicitation closing, bid results will be recorded and may be obtained by e-mailing a request to the address indicated in the Invitation to Tender. Please monitor buyandsell.gc.ca closely as changes to bid closing dates may be necessary. Work of this Contract includes the replacement of roofing, insulation and vapour barrier systems of nine housing units (5 roofs) located at 881-885 Lanky Court, 3 & 4 Negus Place, 51 Rycon Drive, and 54 Con Road , located at Yellowknife, NT ; and further identified as Crown Housing and Lanky Court Roof Replacement. Optional Site Visit: There will be a site visit on September 1, 2022 at 2:30pm MDT. Interested bidders are to meet at Location 881 Lanky Court, NWT. Due to COVID restrictions limiting group size, additional site visits will be scheduled later the same day or the following day, if required. Interested firms are required to contact the Contracting Authority in advance by email (e-mail address is: colin.simard@pwgsc-tpsgc.gc.ca) to book a site visit and to provide the name(s) of the attendee(s). The Contracting Authority will assign each firm a specific time slot. A maximum of two representatives per firm will be permitted to attend the site visit. The deadline for contacting the Contracting Authority is August 29, 2022. Firms who contact the Contracting Authority after this date and time may not be able to book a site visit. Due to COVID-19, social distancing and wearing a self-supplied mask will be mandatory during the site visit. Bidders who, for any reason, cannot attend at the specified date and time will not be given an alternative appointment to view the site. No exceptions will be made. Work is estimated to be completed within 12 weeks after contract award. Bidders are responsible for obtaining copies of bid forms, special instructions and amendments issued prior to bid closing, and are to ensure they are addressed in the submitted bid. Standard terms and conditions for this procurement are incorporated by reference into, and form part of, the bid and contract documents. The standard documents are issued by Public Works and Government Services Canada and may be viewed at (https://buyandsell.gc.ca/policy-and-guidelines/standard-acquisition-clauses-and-conditions-manual). Firms intending to submit bids on this project should obtain bid documents through the GETS service provider on the Government of Canada Web site at http://buyandsell.gc.ca/procurement-data/tenders . Firms that obtain bid documents from a source other than the official site run the risk of not receiving a complete package. The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Sealed bids will be received at: Contracting Services, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Room 310, 269 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 1B3. Delivery Date: Above-mentioned The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
Contact information:
Simard, Colin
Contact email:Colin.Simard@pwgsc-tpsgc.gc.ca
Contact phone:(204) 583-7859 ( )
(418) 566-6167
Solicitation Documents:
File | Amendment Number | Language | Date added |
ABES.PROD.PW_PWZ.B025.E11366.EBSU000.PDF | 000 | English | 2022-08-17 |
ABES.PROD.PW_PWZ.B025.F11366.EBSU000.PDF | 000 | French | 2022-08-17 |
File | Amendment Number | Language | Date added |
project_r.015993.583.608.zip | Not available | Bilingual | 2022-08-17 |