Particulate Matter Continuous Monitoring Instru (K3B41-220428/A)
Process Number PW-$HAL-507-11434
2022-01-25 00:00:00
Amendment date:None
Date closing:2022/02/17 14:00 Atlantic Standard Time (AST)
Nova Scotia
Environment Canada
Public Works and Government Services Canada
All interested suppliers may submit a bid
Trade Agreement: Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) Tendering Procedures: All interested suppliers may submit a bid Competitive Procurement Strategy: Lowest/Lower Bid Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: No Nature of Requirements: Particulate Matter Continuous Monitoring Instruments K3B41-220428/A Fall, Pathe Telephone No. - (873) 355-3807 ( ) Fax No. - (902) 496-5016 ( ) Particulate Matter Continuous Monitoring, Instruments IMPORTANT: This tender is part of Public Services and Procurement Canada’s initiative to submit bid submission files electronically using epost Connect. Interested bidders should refer to Part 2 of the solicitation document entitled Instructions to bidders/offerors/suppliers, as the case may be, for instructions on how to participate and submit their files electronically for this tender. REQUIREMENT: Public Service and Procurement Canada (PSPC) on behalf of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has a requirement for the supply and delivery of One (1) continuous aerosol mass concentration and particulate counting instrument. The instrument is to be in use continuously. PERIOD OF CONTRACT: All deliverables must be received on or before March 31, 2022. BASIS OF SELECTION: A bid must comply with all requirements of the bid solicitation to be declared responsive. The responsive bid with the lowest evaluated price will be recommended for award of a contract. DETAILS: The Solicitation document contains complete details on the requirement, the bid evaluation and contractor selection methodology. INQUIRIES: All inquiries of a technical nature and all questions of a contractual nature are to be submitted to the Contracting Authority: Pathe Fall, pathe.fall@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca, cell: (873) 355-3807, facsimile (902) 496-5016. Inquiries are to be made in writing and should be received no less than five (5) calendar days prior to the closing date to allow sufficient time to respond. This PWGSC office provides procurement services to the public in English. Delivery Date: Above-mentioned The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
Contact information:
Fall, Pathe
Contact email:Pathe.Fall@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca
Contact phone:(873) 355-3807 ( )
1713 Bedford Row Halifax, N.S./Halifax, (N.É.) Halifax Nova Scot B3J 1T3
Contact Fax:(902) 496-5016
Solicitation Documents:
File | Amendment Number | Language | Date added |
ABES.PROD.PW_HAL.B507.E11434.EBSU000.PDF | 000 | English | 2022-01-25 |
ABES.PROD.PW_HAL.B507.F11434.EBSU000.PDF | 000 | French | 2022-01-25 |