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Publication: 2022-06-10 00:00:00
Canada CanadaBuys

Challenge-Based Solicitation (CBS) - Initial for Mentoring Application Solution (JUS-MENTORING-APP)

Process Number PW-22-00997960


Publication date:

2022-06-10 00:00:00

Amendment date:


Date closing:

2022/07/11 14:00 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)


Region of delivery:


End user entity:

Department of Justice Canada

Procurement entity:

Department of Justice Canada

Region of opportunity:


Tendering procedure:


Reference number:


Solicitation number:




NOTICE OF PROPOSED PROCUREMENT Solicitation Number: JUS-MENTORING-APP - Initial Challenge-Based Solicitation (CBS) - Initial for Mentoring Application Solution ________________________________________________ Requirement Canada has a requirement for a Contractor to supply, host and support an application, which facilitates the Department of Justice’s National Mentoring Program (NMP). The proposed solution will replace an existing application that is currently on an internal server, hosted by the Department of Justice. Canada is seeking a solution that must be hosted externally by the Contractor on a SSC certified SaaS/PaaS. Procurement Process Unlike traditional procurement, Challenge-Based Solicitations (CBSs) are based on the concept that Canada can best perform procurement if it presents the requirement as a need (problem statement(s)) and allows industry the freedom to propose innovative solutions that fill the need. CBS’s are issued in terms of needs and are accompanied by contractual conditions outlining industry participation, including mechanisms for evaluating proposed solutions. Solutions typically take the form of “prototypes”, and evaluations assess how well solutions satisfy the need. The Solicitation process is divided into two components: Invitation to Refine (ItR) - Sessions 1 to 3, and Final Challenge-Based Solicitation. Throughout the ItR Sessions 1 to 3 period, Bidders are invited to provide feedback on the problem statement(s) by participating in videoconference interactions (Invitation to Refine events), and other types of activities facilitated by Canada, in order to help Canada finalize the Challenge-Based Solicitation. Following ItR Sessions 1 to 3, the Final Challenge-Based Solicitation is issued which includes contractual conditions outlining industry participation, and mechanisms for evaluating proposed Solutions. The Solicitation is divided into six Sections plus attachments and annexes. Section 1: General Information; provides a general description of the requirements. Section 2: Instructions to Bidders; provides the instructions, clauses, and conditions applicable to the Solicitation. Section 3: Proposal Preparation Instructions; provides Bidders with instructions on how to prepare their proposals. Section 4: Evaluation Procedures and Basis of Selection; describes how the evaluation will be conducted, and the evaluation criteria that will be used, and the basis of selection for Contract award. Section 5: Certifications and Additional Information; includes the certifications and additional information to be provided. Section 6: Resulting Contract Clauses; includes the clauses and conditions that will apply to any resulting Contract. Canada anticipates awarding multiple option-based Contracts, to develop, test, and evaluate selected solutions i.e., prototypes in parallel. This procurement process involves the following stages: invitation to refine with industry; qualification stage (optional, at the discretion of Canada); solicitation among Bidders (qualified Bidders if Canada chooses to qualify Bidders); the award of Contracts - Proof of Concept (maximum value of $25,000 per Call-up); the deployment of the Solution. Security Requirement The security requirement associated with this CBS will be identified during the Solicitation process. Offerors’ Webinar There will be one English and one French language optional Offerors’ Webinar associated with this CBS. The Offerors’ Webinars will be held on June 23, 2022 as follows: a) The English-language webinar will be held on June 23, 2022 from 13:00-14:00 ET Join the Microsoft Teams Meeting here: Microsoft Teams Meeting Join on your computer or mobile app. Click Here to Join the Meeting Or call in (audio only) Phone Conference Number: +1 613-903-9709 Ottawa, Canada Phone Conference ID: 544 039 862 # b) The French-language webinar will be held on June 23, 2022 from 14:30-15:30 ET Join the Microsoft Teams Meeting here: Microsoft Teams Meeting Join on your computer or mobile app. Click Here to Join the Meeting Or call in (audio only) Phone Conference Number: +1 613-903-9709 Ottawa, Canada Phone Conference ID: 730 668 128 # Trade Agreements This requirement is subject to the following trade agreements: Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA), Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement, Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement, Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), Canada-Honduras Free Trade Agreement, Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement, Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement, Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement, Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement, and World Trade Organization-Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO-GPA). Offer Submission Details of Offer submission procedures are described in the Challenge-Based Solicitation document. The finalized Proposal Preparation Instructions and Evaluation Procedures and Basis of Selection sections will be included in the Final Challenge-Based Solicitation. Language Documents may be submitted in either Official Language of Canada. Negotiations JUS retains the right to negotiate with Offerors. Current Contract Not Applicable Enquiries Enquiries regarding this CBS are to be submitted to the email below: File Number: JUS-MENTORING-APP - Initial Email:

Contact information:

Contact name:

Williams, Jeff

Contact email:

Contact phone:


Contact address:

Contact Fax:

Solicitation Documents:

File Amendment Number Language Date added
challenge_based_solicitation_-_initial_en.pdf 000 English 2022-06-10
challenge_based_solicitation_-_initial_fr.pdf 000 French 2022-06-10