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Publication: 2022-06-15 00:00:00
Canada CanadaBuys

Call for Proposals B3 Innovative Solutions Canada EN578-22ISC7 (EN578-22ISC7)

Process Number PW-22-00998447


Publication date:

2022-06-15 00:00:00

Amendment date:


Date closing:

2022/07/06 14:00 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)


Region of delivery:


End user entity:

Public Works and Government Services Canada

Procurement entity:

Public Works and Government Services Canada

Region of opportunity:


Tendering procedure:

Solely Canadian content

Reference number:


Solicitation number:




Notice of Proposed Procurement (NPP) Demand Call for Proposals EN578-22ISC7 (B3) Requirement: Innovative Solutions Canada Program - Testing Stream (ISC TS) is a R&D program aimed at procuring, testing and evaluating R&D, pre-commercialized goods and services in the late stage development (Testing Readiness Level (TRL) 7 to 9). Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is publishing a Demand Call for Proposals (CFP) (Demand CFP), on behalf of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), seeking innovative solutions to leverage Quantum Technology to address operational requirements. More specifically, ISED is seeking solutions in the Quantum Technology field to address the following Departmental Demands: Quantum Computing; Quantum Sensing; and Quantum Communications. The purpose of this CFP is to create a pool of pre-qualified proposals that the ISC and participating departments may select from to address their operational requirements. Details related to each Problem Statement are outlined further below. SOLICITATION PERIOD: From June 15, 2022 to July 6, 2022 Please refer to the solicitation documents for information related to Proposal Preparation and Submission Instructions, Evaluation Procedures and Basis of Selection. Small Business Set-Aside: This procurement is set-aside under the Small Business Set-Aside. The Bidder must be a for-profit with 499 or fewer full-time equivalent (FTE) employees. This calculation must take into account and include affiliated businesses, such as parent companies and subsidiaries that are either in or outside of Canada. Note: Suppliers who are not eligible to bid on this Testing Stream Demand Call for Proposals EN578-22ISC7 may be eligible to bid on the second Testing Stream Demand Call for Proposals EN578-22ISC8 published on Canadian content: This requirement is solely limited to Canadian goods and/or services. Testing Department: Federal Government Organizations Funding Mechanism: Contract MAXIMUM FUNDING: The maximum funding available for all Contracts resulting from this Call for Proposals is: $2.8M Multiple contracts could result from this requirement. Maximum Contract Value: $1,150,000 CAD, applicable taxes, shipping, and travel and living expenses are extra, as applicable. This estimated funding is not a contract guarantee. Disclosure is made in good faith and does not commit Canada to award a contract, or to contract for the total estimated funding. Should fiscal funding no longer be available, Bidders will be notified directly and a notice will be published on the Government Electronic Tendering Service (GETS). The Contract Award Process will continue and proposals under contract negotiations will take priority when funding is available. Frequently asked questions, as well as on-going Bidder questions will be answered and may be published in an amendment to the Notice Document. ENQUIRIES All enquiries must be submitted in writing to: no later than five calendar days before the Notice closing date. Enquiries received after that time may not be answered. DETAILS OF EACH PROBLEM STATEMENT: 1. ISC THEMATIC AREA: Quantum TOPIC: Quantum Computing Problem Statement: Quantum technologies are at the cutting edge of science and innovation, both in Canada and worldwide. As an enabling platform, quantum is leading to a new suite of technologies in computing, sensors, secure communications and advanced materials. These technologies will support the growth of key sectors such as computing, communications, health care, transportation logistics, navigation and cybersecurity. While quantum computing is still in its infancy as a field and awaiting readiness for practical applications, quantum hardware companies are currently trying to scale up their quantum computers and include enough qubits to reach quantum advantage. The Government of Canada (GoC) faces a challenge in being “quantum ready” to leverage technologies as they are developed to commercial readiness. ISC is soliciting proposals calling for a variety of quantum computing hardware and software solutions that can help improve departments’ existing quantum computing stack and better prepare the GoC for the eventual integration of quantum computing solutions into its operations. Definitions Quantum computing stack: The quantum computing stack is everything that lies between a user and the physical qubits. The stack needs to perform essential functions; for instance, it must facilitate user interaction, turn inputs into hardware manipulation, and correct for numerous error sources. Quantum Computer: A quantum computer is any device for computation that makes direct use of distinctively quantum mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. A functional quantum computer requires the holding of an object in a superposition state long enough to carry out various processes on it. Quantum Software: Any programs or applications capable of running on a quantum computer. Outcomes (Innovations must meet at least ONE outcome to qualify under SC4 and up to FOUR to score full points under PR7) Quantum Technologies or components with the potential for eventual application in any one or all of the following fields: defence, energy, pharmaceutical, chemical, advanced industries (automotive, aerospace, electronics, superconductors), finance, or transport and logistics. Quantum computing hardware, software, or supporting equipment that is in the prototype stage and ready for operational testing using commercially available infrastructure. Hardware solutions including but not limited to Qubit hardware and gating technology; Quantum firmware; Hardware-aware quantum compilers / transpilers; Multi-quantum computing hardware platforms; and Logical-level compilation and circuit optimization technologies. Software solutions including but not limited to Quantum algorithms and quantum error correction applications; User interface solutions; QAAS; and operating systems. Quantum Resource Estimation (QRE) solutions to assess the size and type of a quantum computer that would be needed with specified performance criteria (run-time). QRE solutions must be configurable to accommodate a range of quantum computing architectures and other assumptions to optimize quantum stacks. Solutions that account for part or all of the quantum computing stack. Quantum enabling technologies such as quantum random number generators and components to support in the deployment of quantum technologies. ISC will NOT Accept (Out of Scope): Quantum Key Distribution solutions 2. ISC THEMATIC AREA: Quantum TOPIC: Quantum Sensing Problem Statement: Quantum technologies are at the cutting edge of science and innovation, both in Canada and worldwide. As an enabling platform, quantum is leading to a new suite of technologies in computing, sensors, secure communications and advanced materials. These technologies will support the growth of key sectors such as computing, communications, health care, transportation, logistics, navigation and aerospace. Quantum sensing technologies are of particular interest to the Government of Canada (GoC) in a range of theatres. There is interest in high-resolution imaging applications in a variety of theatres such as health and pharmaceutical, mining, and aviation and aerospace. The Government of Canada is interested in leveraging the recent advances in increased sensitivity and decreased costs of magnetic sensors, to enhance the magnetic sensing capabilities within the GoC. The Government of Canada are also interested in both short-range and long-range navigation tools in GPS-denied environments. While quantum radar is at this point principally a speculative technology, we are also interested in testing the components that could one day bring the technology from concept to application. Overall, the limits of quantum sensing and metrology become overlooked as we are seeing quantum sensing technologies in the higher Technology Readiness Levels (TRL). The GoC faces a challenge in understanding these limits to inform quantum sensor developments. This in turn contributes to the limited exploration and development of quantum sensing technologies for its applications in medical, aerospace, mining, navigation, meteorological, chemistry, and smart materials and technologies. ISC is soliciting proposals in search of a variety of quantum solutions that can assist the GoC in the development and eventual application of quantum sensing technologies within its operations. Definitions Quantum sensors: A quantum-enabled technology used to measure a physical quantity, relying on either: 1) quantum-level measurement (e.g. single-photon detection); 2) quantized systems, (e.g. as atomic systems); 3) quantum coherence (e.g. quantum interference); or 4) quantum entanglement (non-local or strong correlations). Quantities of interest include electric or magnetic fields, precise timing, temperature, and chemical or biological processes. Quantum Radar: There are many proposed protocols to leverage quantum effects to provide advantages in imaging over traditional radar in high noise or stealth environments. Ultimately, ISC wants to explore the ability to achieve an effective range of 1km to 10km to detect a variety of objects. Additionally, remote quantum sensing for ranged chemical detection is of interest. If proposing a quantum radar technology or component, it is not necessary for suppliers to propose a complete quantum radar system. Quantum magnetometers: An instrument for measuring the intensity and/or direction of magnetic fields, by utilizing quantum phenomena. Quantum magnetometers are used primarily to measure the intensity and/or direction of weak magnetic fields, particularly the earth’s magnetic field and its anomalies, both on the surface and at great altitudes, and also to measure the magnetic fields of planets within our solar system and in outer space. They are also used in prospecting for minerals, for magnetic core sampling, and in searching for sunken vessels. Outcomes (Innovations must meet at least ONE outcome to qualify under SC4 and up to FOUR to score full points under PR7) Quantum technologies or components with potential for eventual application in any one or all of the following fields: defence, public safety, mining, navigation, weather forecasting and environmental, healthcare, pharmaceutical, chemical, and/or advanced manufacturing industries (automotive, aerospace, electronics, superconductors). Quantum sensing hardware, software or supporting equipment that is in the prototype stage and ready for operational testing using commercially available infrastructure. Hardware solutions including but not limited to quantum sensors; superconducting quantum circuits and CQED solutions. Quantum radar software or hardware components including but not limited to microwave photon detectors, microwave entangled photon sources, photon imaging and lidar technologies, and quantum active and passive sensing technologies. Quantum-enhanced magnetometers to detect underwater objects from the air and underwater, and to map surface magnetic fields. This includes technologies for submarine detection and underwater warfare using magnetic sensing. Quantum enabling technologies such as cryogenic refrigeration technology and single-photon spectrometers. Inertial navigation sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes enhanced using quantum technologies to lower the cost, size, weight and power and increase performance. ISC will NOT Accept (Out of Scope): Post-quantum cryptography or quantum-safe communication solutions. Quantum key distribution (QKD) solutions. 3. ISC THEMATIC AREA: Quantum TOPIC: Quantum Communications Problem Statement: Quantum technologies are at the cutting edge of science and innovation, both in Canada and worldwide. As an enabling platform, quantum is leading to a new suite of technologies in computing, sensors, secure communications and advanced materials. These technologies will support the growth of key sectors such as computing, communications, security, transportation, aviation and logistics. Quantum communications technologies are of particular interest to the Government of Canada (GoC) in a range of theatres from military and secure communications, to communications related to Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS), to quantum information distribution and management. Long-distance communication is hindered by the effects of signal loss and decoherence inherent to most transport mediums such as optical fiber or through the atmosphere. In classic communications, amplifiers can be used to boost the signal during transmission, but in a quantum network amplifiers cannot be used since qubits cannot be copied. ISC is soliciting proposals seeking a variety of quantum solutions that can assist the GoC in the development and eventual application of quantum communications technologies. Definitions Quantum repeater: A true quantum repeater allows for the end-to-end generation of quantum entanglement, and by using quantum teleportation, allows for the end-to-end transmission of qubits. In quantum key distribution protocols, one can test for such entanglement. QKD: Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a secure communication method for distributing encryption keys only known between shared parties. The communication method uses properties found in quantum physics to exchange cryptographic keys in such a way that is provable and theoretically secure. Outcomes (Innovations must meet at least ONE outcome to qualify under SC4 and up to FOUR to score full points under PR7) Quantum Technologies or components with the potential for eventual application in any of the following fields: defence, telecom, aviation, finance, energy, or advanced manufacturing. Quantum communications hardware, software or supporting equipment that is in the prototype stage and ready for testing, using commercially available infrastructure. Quantum communications hardware with high rate quantum light sources such as weak coherent pulsed sources, or entangled photon sources, or a single photon source. Hardware solutions including quantum transducers (frequency converters). Quantum enabling technologies, electronic and detection components, such as non-photonics-based enabling tech and components to support in the deployment of quantum communications technologies. QKD solutions and quantum encryptions solutions (EXCLUDING post-quantum cryptography solutions). Quantum Repeaters or quantum memory solutions. Error correction solutions that account for both loss and operational errors in quantum communications. ISC will NOT Accept (Out of Scope): Post-quantum cryptography components or solutions.

Contact information:

Contact name:

Harrington, Ingrid

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Solicitation Documents:

File Amendment Number Language Date added
b3_en_cfp_en578-22isc7.pdf 000 English 2022-06-15
b3_fr_cfp_en578-22isc7.pdf 000 French 2022-06-15