Process Number N0038322QF543
Department/Ind. Agency:DEPT OF DEFENSE
General Information:
(utc-04:00) eastern standard time, new york, usa
Updated Published Date:(utc-04:00) eastern standard time, new york, usa
Original Published Date:2022-06-29 06:50:00
Original Response Date:jul 29, 2022 01:00 am edt
Inactive Policy:15 days after date offers due
Original Inactive Date:aug 13, 2022
Initiative:- None***--***
6685 - pressure, temperature, and humidity measuring and controlling instruments
CONTACT INFORMATION|4|N732.61|m4w|215-697-3342|VALERIE.M.WERNER2.CIV@US.NAVY.MIL| ITEM UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION AND VALUATION (MAR 2022)|19|||||||||||||||||||| HIGHER-LEVEL CONTRACT QUALITY REQUIREMENT|8||||||||| WIDE AREA WORKFLOW PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS (DEC 2018)|16|invoice and receiving reports|source|TBD|N00383|TBD|TBD|SEE SCHEDULE|TBD|TBD|TBD|TBD|TBD|TBD|TBD||| NAVY USE OF ABILITYONE SUPPORT CONTRACTOR - RELEASE OF OFFEROR INFORMATION (3-18))|1|| EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (SEP 2016)|2||| WARRANTY OF SUPPLIES OF A NONCOMPLEX NATURE (JUN 2003)|6|45 days of the last delivery under this contract|45 days of the last delivery under this contract||||| EQUAL OPPORTUITY FOR WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES (JUN 2020)|2||| BUY AMERICAN-FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM - BASIC(DEVIATION 2020-O0019) (MAR 2022))|3|||| ALTERNATE A, ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (NOV 2020)|13|||||||||||||| BUY AMERICAN-FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS-BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM CERTIFICATE (DEVIATION 2020-O0019) (JUL 2020))|3|||| BUY AMERICAN--BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM (NOV 2014)|1|| ROYALTY INFORMATION (APR 1984)|1|| ANNUAL REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (MAY 2022)|13|336413|1250|||||||||||| NOTICE OF PRIORITY RATING FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, ANDENERGY PROGRAM USE (APR 2008))|2|DO-A1A |D0-1| This solicitation will be using competitive procedures. This requirement will be awarded to the offeror with the lowest pricetechnically acceptable (LPTA) quote. The closing date for the requirement is listed on page 1 of this solicitation.The quotes may be e-mailed to the below address and must be received on orbefore 2:00 PM EST of the closing date. Offers received after the closing date are considered to be late and will notbe considered for award. Please provide quote within 30 days to be considered. This recommendation has been determined to be a small business set aside.POC: Valerie Werner. E-mail: Valerie.m.werner2.civ@us.navy.mil. Please reach outvia e-mail for personal phone number if required. All contractual documents (i.e. contracts, purchase orders, task orders,delivery orders and modifications) related to the instant procurement areconsidered to be "issued" by the Government when copies are either depositedin the mail, transmitted by facsimile, or sent by other electronic commercemethods, such asemail. The Government's acceptance of the contractor'sproposal constitutes bilateral agreement to "issue" contractual documents asdetailed herein. 1. SCOPE repaired items must meet requirements of MIL-I-27209(latest revison)and MS24569-1. REPAIR IN ACCORDANCE WITH NAVIR 05-40BC-22.STOCK NUMBER 0805LP0704510 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS MIL-I-27209(latest revison)MS24569-1 DOCUMENT REF DATA=MIL-I-27209 | | |C |670829|A| 2| | 3. REQUIREMENTS The contractor shall maintain a quality control system which meets the requirements of Mil-I-45208A, Mil-Q 9858,ISO-9000 / 9001 / 9002 or equivalent. RESPONSIBILITY FOR INSPECTION: Unless otherwise specified, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified, the contractor may use his own or any other facility suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein. PROCEDURES:The contractor shall prepare and maintain Quality Control Documentation, test and repair procedures, and inspection procedures which shall be made available to the Government for review and approval. The procedures shall include sequential diagrams of the test, repair, and inspection process, as well as the performance spcifications to perform the procedures. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM PLAN: The contractor shall develop, implement and maintain a Repair Quality Plan in compliance with the requirements of Mil-I-45208A, Mil-Q-9858, ISO,9000 / 9001 / 9002, or equvalent.The plan shall define the specific methods by which compliance with contractual requirements will be assured. All quality assurance data shall be provided to the Government for review and approval upon request. PURCHASED MATERIAL CONTROL: The contractor shall establish and maintain a system of control over purchased material which shall assure that the necessary requirements of this contract are included. in all sub contract agreements. A parts control system shall establish a record of performance for each purchased and internally manufactured part and shall be used to evaluate continued use of the source. The contractors control system shall be in compliance wil either Mil-I 45208A/Mil-Q-9858 or equivalent Quality Quality Assurance Standared.(ISO/AS:9000, 9001, 9002). RECEIVING INSPECTION OF PURCHASED MATERIAL: Purchased items shall be inspected upon receipt at the contractors facility to assure conformance with all requirements of the Technical Data Package (TDP). Evidence of such inspections shall be maintained for Government review at least twelve (12) months following acceptance of the end item. Inspection reports shall be maintained by the contractor. The inspection report shall, at a minimum, include a record of all dimensional data (coordinate/positional), material, finish, and process with appropriate pass/fail criteria, such ascertifications, and actual dimensional readings. FAILURE ANALYSIS AND CORRECTIVE ACTION:All failure analysis and corrective action reports/plans shall be submitted to the Government. NONCONFORMING MATERIAL:The contractor shall establish an effective system for controlling nonconforming material including procedures for identification, segregation, and disposition. CONTRACTOR INTERNAL REVIEW BOARD (IRB):IRB authority is delegated to the contractor for this contract only. The IRB may be used only for disposition of materials exhibiting minor non-conformances, scrap or rework to return a part to conformance with drawings or specifications as authorized by the approved repair procedures.IRB shall not use "AS-IS" disposition. A complete file of IRB actions shall be maintained for review by the Government for concurrance of classification. MATERIAL REVIEW BOARD (MRB):Formal MRB authority for disposition of "AS-IS"and for minor non-conformances is retained by the Government. The contractor shall submit the appropriate request for Waiver/Deviation via the DCMC to the NAVICP Contracting Officer. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COMPLIANCE: All items must meet all requirements of this Statement of Work. The inspection requirements set forth in this SOW shall become part of the contractors overall inspection system or quality program. The absence of any inspection requirements in the SOW shall not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of assuring that all Government equipment submitted for acceptance comply with all requirements. Sampling in quality conformance does not authorize submission of known defective items, either indicated or actual, nor does it commit the procuring activity to acceptance of any defective items. REPAIR ASSESSMENT TESTING: The Government may select samples of the Contract Line Items (CLINS) which have completed repair and have been accepted by the Government representative for the purpose of conducting performance testing, environmental testing, and quality conformance examination in a repair assessment test program. A quantity of CLIN's may be randomly selected from each quaterly repair production completion for shipment to the CFA or other Government designated location to conduct this testing. RECORDS OF DATA COLLECTION: The contractor shall maintain a historical record file to contain copies of applicable data and documents for individual CLIN's and assemblies by CLIN serial number. The historical record file shall include,but not be limited to the following types of historical records: Receipt inspection documentation. Repair shop travelers or repair cards. Parts replacement records. Parts inspection data before and after repair as applicable. Acceptance test data. QA personnel shall maintain a complete receipt inspection,test, repair re-test, history card for each item processed. This information shall be made available to the Government upon request. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE All repaired items shall meet requirements of MIL-I-27209(latest revison) 5. PACKAGING All items shall be packaged in accordance with MIL-I-27209. MIL-STD 2073 PACKAGING APPLIES AS FOUND ELSEWHERE IN THE SCHEDULE 6. NOTES - NOT APPLICABLE
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Primary Point of Contacts:Telephone: 2156973342