Process Number W911PT-22-Q-0083
Department/Ind. Agency:DEPT OF DEFENSE
Sub Command:W6QK ACC WVA
General Information:
(utc-04:00) eastern standard time, new york, usa
Updated Published Date:(utc-04:00) eastern standard time, new york, usa
Original Published Date:2022-08-04 10:15:00
Original Response Date:aug 18, 2022 04:00 pm edt
Inactive Policy:manual
Original Inactive Date:sep 11, 2022
Initiative:- None***--***
6115 - generators and generator sets, electrical
The U.S. Army Contracting Command – Watervliet Arsenal (ACC-WVA) Contracting Office located at Watervliet Arsenal, NY is conducting a market survey to identify potential capable sources for the manufacture of one (1) Endothermic Generator per WVA Manufacturing Engineering Work Group Specification # 05-22-6115. THERE IS NO SOLICITATION AT THIS TIME AND NO CONTRACT WILL BE AWARDED FROM THIS NOTICE. This is a request for information on capabilities and interest and does not constitute a Request for Quote (RFQ); submission of any information in response to this market survey is purely voluntary and the U.S. Government (USG) assumes no financial responsibility for any costs incurred. No funds have been authorized, appropriated, or received for this effort. Data submitted in response to this market survey will not be returned. INFORMATION NEEDED: Interested parties, particularly manufacturers of Endothermic Generator (NAICS 333517), are encouraged to provide the following information: Response to the Endothermic Generator Questionnaire with general information about your firm and its capabilities (Available with the Sources Sought Synopsis). INTERESTED PARTIES: The Government requests interested parties to submit a response to the questionnaire and company brochure (if available) as well as a capability statement for this equipment that clearly details the ability to perform the aspects of this requirement. All proprietary information should be marked as such. Responses will be reviewed by U.S. Army Contracting Command – Watervliet Arsenal (ACC-WVA), Watervliet Arsenal personnel only and will be held in a confidential manner. Any and all information provided shall include a description of the proposed manufacturing capabilities. Submitted documentation will not be returned. Responses to this sources sought synopsis should be submitted by 18 August 2022 via email. Interested firms should provide the requested information and any pertinent information to the following: Lynn Brown Army Contracting Command – Watervliet Arsenal (ACC-WVA) Building 10 1 Buffington Street Watervliet NY, 12189-4000 Email: lynn.l.brown4.civ@army.mil Your input is voluntary and no compensation will be made for your participation in this survey. We appreciate your cooperation in answering these questions and thank you in advance for your participation.
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Contact Information:
WATERVLIET , NY 12189-4000
Primary Point of Contacts:Lynn Brown