Pulser Electronic Systems
Process Number B649639

Department/Ind. Agency:ENERGY, DEPARTMENT OF
General Information:
Updated Published Date:(UTC-04:00) EASTERN STANDARD TIME, NEW YORK, USA
Original Published Date:2021-10-13 16:17:00
Original Response Date:Nov 02, 2021 05:00 pm EDT
Inactive Policy:Manual
Original Inactive Date:Nov 09, 2021
Initiative:- None***--***
NAICS Code:334516 - Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing
LLNS in support of the Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA is conducting market research to obtain information on capable suppliers experienced in design and manufacturing for a prompt dose radiation hardened high voltage pulser electronic systems that drive the x-ray streak tubes and provides interface with the nanosecond hybrid Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (hCMOS) imaging sensors and NIF control network for the hardened DIM Insertable Streak Camera (hDISC) and hardened Single Line of Sight (hSLOS) diagnostic systems at NIF. At the LLNL, LLNS performs cutting edge experimental research conducted in the field of Laser Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) and High Energy Density (HED) plasma physics. Over the years, the NIF Program developed, maintains, and operates a suite of diagnostic instrument systems that are critical to the Research & Development (R&D) missions of the NIF under the guidance of DOE/NNSA. Among them are the hDISC and hSLOS diagnostic systems. hDISC diagnostic is used to measure time-dependent x-ray emission from a variety of targets for a high yield energy experiment with prompt doses of 14MeV neutrons and gamma radiation. Since the pulser electronics is in the proximity of the implosion target, it is critical that the pulser electronic can survive and function normally in such a hardened radiation environment. hSLOS comes to fruition after a decade long, extensive collaboration partnership with scientific research communities and industrial organizations in the ICF and HED fields including Sandia National Laboratories, General Atomics and the British Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE). The diagnostic system features high spatial resolution and ultra-fast temporal resolution in picosecond range for single line of sight x-ray imaging in radiation harden environment of 14MeV neutrons and gamma radiation. The scope of work for the procurement will include design, fabrication, integration, testing and commissioning of the pulser electronics into the existing hDISCS and hSLOS diagnostic systems at NIF. This is not a solicitation for proposals, proposal abstracts or quotations. The purpose of this request is to obtain information regarding the availability and capability of qualified sources. A site visit will not be conducted at this stage. Cost of RFI Response Preparation: Costs incurred by respondents to this RFI will not be reimbursed. Responses to the RFI will not be returned to respondent. Responses should include: 1) Experience - Interested firms must provide no more than five (5) example projects with either greater than 95 percent completion or projects completed in the past five (5) years. Each project must include the name, title, project role, e-mail address, and telephone number of at least one reference. References may be used to verify project size, scope, percentages, and quality of performance. Example projects must be of similar size and scope. 2) Projects similar in scope & size to this project should include some or all these elements: a) Design and manufacturing of prompt dose radiation hardened high voltage (>1kV) pulser (rise times <10ns for 1kV pulses) electronics that drives streak tube or similar hardware with application in scientific research in the field of ICF and HED, or specifically, with application in x-ray diagnostic systems similar to hDISC and hSLOS at NIF. b) Integration and interface with streak tubes for NIF hDISC and hSLOS diagnostic systems. c) Integration and interface with the existing hCMOS electronic module for NIF hDISC and hSLOS for gated frame triggering and system control. d) Performance of schedules, drawings, specifications, procedures, assembly/test quality assurance plans, fabrication documents, installation documents, system integration documentation. e) Training of operations and maintenance personnel on installed system. 3) Based on the information above, respondents shall include: a) scope of the project b) whether the project was design/build or not Proprietary or Confidential Information: Any information received in response to this RFI that is confidential, or proprietary information, must be clearly designated as such. Amendments/Specifications: LLNS reserves the right to change the Request for Information timeline or other portions of this request at any time. Check the listed website for updates. Right to Cancel: LLNS reserves the right to cancel or reissue this Request for Information any time without obligation or liability. Companies that have not worked with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) are encouraged to visit the LLNS Prospective Supplier website and complete a Supplier Information Form if it is interested in doing business with the Laboratory.
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Contact Information:
7000 East Avenue
Livermore , CA 94551
Primary Point of Contacts:Maggie Cunningham