Process Number IHS143932830

General Information:
Updated Published Date:(UTC-06:00) MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME, DENVER, USA
Original Published Date:2021-10-28 13:43:00
Original Response Date:Nov 03, 2021 11:00 am MDT
Inactive Policy:Manual
Original Inactive Date:Nov 03, 2021
Initiative:- None***--***
NAICS Code:561320 - Temporary Help Services
Two (2) Non-Personal Service Contract for Surgical Scrub Technician on "AS NEEDED BASIS" to provide uninterrupted patient care services to be performed in the Operating Room Department at Northern Navajo Medical Center (NNMC) located in Shiprock, New Mexico. Surgical Scrub Technician shall be performed in accordance with the attached Performance Base Work Statement (PBWS). Period of Performance: for 6 months with possible extension; this assignment are through the stated period of performance or until the position is filled with a permanent hire. In such instances, the provider will be released from contract assignment. Work Shift: The shifts hours are 8 hours from: 0730 am - 1600 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Must be able to take call and respond within fifteen (15) minutes. Week day Call Back hours are random, between 1600 p.m. and 0730 a.m. Weekend hours starts from 0730 a.m. on Saturday, Sunday until Monday morning at 0730 a.m. Holiday hours is 24 hours of a day starting from 0730 a.m. to the following day at 0730 a.m. The Government does not guarantee the contractor to work the full number of hours identified above, hours are only estimated. The hospital beeper is given carried by the assigned Scrub Technician during the call time. A hospital call room apartment will be provide during the call assignment. The House Supervisor will immediately contact them for any emergency procedure declared by the Surgeon. The time can vary according to the needs of each NAIHS facility and/or clinic, e.g. 8 hour tour of duty or 24 hour tour of duty assignment. Housing: No government housing available. The nearby towns are Farmington, NM , 29 miles East of Shiprock, NM and in Cortez, CO, 41 miles North of Shiprock, NM. There are hotels, restaurants, mall, etc. in the two towns Facility Location: Northern Navajo Medical Center is located in the beautiful high-desert climate of the Four Corners area - where the four states of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah adjoin. Northern Navajo Medical Center provides: care services including family medicine, internal medicine, mental health, physical therapy, optometry, dental, social services, pharmacy, x-ray, laboratory, public health nursing, diabetes education, health promotion/disease prevention and outpatient rehabilitation services along with benefits coordination. CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT: Type of Citizenship: U.S. Citizenship is required. Performs duties for scheduled and emergent surgical procedures to include but not limited to Case & room preparation, surgical hand scrubs, inventory, assemble and test instrumentation prior to incision, closed gloving, & gloving surgical team, creating and maintaining sterile fields, receiving and labeling medications from circulating Registered Nurse, verbally identifying surgical site with circulating Registered Nurse. Evaluates patient’s ongoing needs during intra-operative intervention and takes required actions. Performs as First Assistant when situation arises, assisting Surgeon in the positioning and intra-operative care of the patient. Immediately corrects any breaks in aseptic techniques by any member of the surgical team, identifies, documents findings and reports to the Charge Nurse/Supervisor. Assist in set-up and turnover of operating rooms. Assist in the transport of patients to and from the Operating Room when necessary. Input surgical caseload data into computer database. Participate in Hospital and Department in-service training. Follow strict Infection Control practices to reduce risk of Occupation Exposure to Blood-borne Pathogens at all times. Inventory and decontaminated all surgical instrumentation from Operating room and other units within the facility in preparation for re-sterilization of items. Perform daily, weekly, and monthly preventive maintenance on equipment to the extent described in the operator’s manuals. Document according to department guidelines. CPR is the only requirement, but a Scrub Technician certification is a plus. The contractor shall have a minimum of twenty-four (24) months relevant experience within the last thirty-six (36) months unless otherwise approved by the Contracting officer. Surgical Scrub Technician shall have behavior that is positive and displays a willingness to perform assigned patient care tasks and to be a team player. Agency’s Past Performance - Number of similar contracts - Timeliness of providing candidate(s) Surgical Scrub Technician - Certification BLS - Scrub Technician Certification a plus - Health Requirements (Medical Evaluation / Immunization) Immunization: Contractor shall provide evidence of current immunization documentation for MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella), Flu Shot, Immunity to Hepatitis A and B, History of chicken pox (varicella) disease or positive titer, Tetanus Diphtheria (Td) within the last 5 years. Documentation of receiving a TB skin test (PPD) within the past 12 months with documentation of follow-up for positive test. A signed declination of Hepatitis B vaccination series shall be accepted. Medical Evaluation: The contractor shall provide a fitness for duty certificate issued by a licensed physician to perform the proposed job without significant risk to personal health or the health and safety of others. The contractor shall ensure candidates (s) has the physical ability to perform tasks assigned. Factor 3: Surgical Scrub Technician Availability - Upon fingerprinting clearance, surgical Scrub Technician shall be available as soon as possible to start. - Flexibility: The time can vary according to the needs of each NAIHS facility and/or clinic, e.g. 12 hour Tour of Duty, 8 hour of Duty, 10 hour Tour of Duty. - Surgical Scrub Technician - Ability & knowledge of emergent surgical procedures to include but limited to: Case & Room preparation. - Ability & knowledge of standard medical terminology common to patients requiring surgical intervention. - Knowledge in care and handling of surgical instruments and supplies and protocols for sponge, needle, and instrument counts. - Ability to assist the surgical team in the insertion of CVP lines and able to administer oxygen and provide emergency supplies for the Surgeon and/or anesthetist as needed. - Demonstrate expert knowledge of the principles and practices of good aseptic techniques necessary for the treatment of patients undergoing surgical procedures. - Knowledge of minimally invasive procedures to include: Endoscopy, Laparoscopy and Arthroscopy and colonoscopy. - Knowledge of all aspects of sterilization process including: decontamination and cleaning of instrumentation, steam, liquid and gas sterilization, biological monitoring processes, packaging and wrapping techniques, storage and shelf-life characteristics. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Submit the Pricing attached and return with RN Profile. Include phone number and email address 2 The Government will consider competitive rates upon negotiation. Hourly Rate shall be an All-Inclusive Hourly Rate, Meaning travel, per diem, lodging/housing, transportation, meals, and applicable taxes (i.e. federal, state and local). The Attach Wage Determination Service Contract Act applies. 3. Past Performance: Provide experience of comparable scope and complexity in providing services within the past three (3) years of operation. 4. Qualifications: Provide complete candidate Profile (Curriculum vitae, updated resume, licensures / certifications, currently/valid contact information -Phone number and email address, Surgical Scrub Technician Skills and all relative documents for proposed candidate. Refer to PWS Section 5.0 & 6.0). 5. Availability of candidate(s). 6. The Contractor will start until the Task Order is signed by Contracting Officer 7. Send profile to verni.harrison-yazza@ihs.gov with require documents NOTE: Incomplete Submission(s) shall not be reviewed nor considered if submitted directly to the hospital unit managers. In addition, any profiles received after the RFQ closing date shall be accepted but shall not be subject for review. QUALIFICATION / EVALUATION: The Government reserves the right to issue a single award or multiple awards to any contractor(s) whose quote represents the best value as defined by FAR 2.101. In determining best value, Price and other Evaluation Factors will be considered: Past Performance and Qualifications. The Evaluation Factors and significant factors when combined are significantly more important than cost or price. As part of the evaluation process, candidates shall be interviewed to ensure their understanding of the PWS and to verify their qualifications to perform required services. The socio-economic status of an offer may also be considered, should one or more quotes represent the best value. 2020 U.S. Government & Indian Health Service (IHS) Holidays and Observances: Jan 01 - New Year's Day Jan 20 - Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Feb 17 - Washington's Birthday May 25 - Memorial Day Jul 03 - Independence Day (Observed) Sep 07 - Labor Day Oct 12 - Columbus Day Nov 11 - Veterans Day Nov 26 - Thanksgiving Day Dec 25 - Christmas Day
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Contact Information:
PO BOX 9020
Primary Point of Contacts:Verni Harrison-Yazza
Secondary Point of Contact:Cornelius Tsipai