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Usa Usa

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Tenders, Contracts and Awards in Usa

B2BTenders is a Software SRM system (Supplier Relationship Management), our portal is in charge of gathering all the information of public tenders, contracts and awards in Usa so that you can access it in the most fast and effective, giving you publication dates, proposal submission dates, closing dates, specifications, documents, application among other important information.

We have the best and most accurate Bid alert and notification service in Usa, America and Europe so that you can be aware at the right time, participate and apply to the national and international public calls that you are only interested in receiving. We filter our alerts through a wide module of categories, tags and keywords that you can personalize.

Register now and stay informed for FREE and apply to the available calls of your interest in Usa

Process Number Details Product Services Publication
HC101321QA340 Provide, install and maintain a 1.544mb commercial business line (cbl) including two (2) t1s (24 channels) at (bldg) 1240; room: mezzanine/1669a; 16th floor; 12... US - it and telecom it and telecom 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Ver
N0010421QEM80 Tubing,nonmetallic US - MISCELLANEOUS 2021-10-20 03:10:00 Ver
SPE3S121R0009 Emergency drinking water US - BEVERAGES, NONALCOHOLIC 2021-10-19 11:53:00 Ver
SPRMM121QTC71 Compact terminal US - MISCELLANEOUS 2021-06-29 03:21:00 Ver
N0010422QFA17 20--sleeve,spring US - MARINE HARDWARE AND HULL ITEMS 2021-10-20 07:08:00 Ver
N0038322RN056 66--transmitter,angle o - and other replacement parts, in repair/modification of US - FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS 2021-10-15 09:58:00 Ver
SPRPA121RW187 81--shipping and storag US - SPECIALIZED SHIPPING AND STORAGE CONTAINERS 2021-07-02 07:23:00 Ver
N0010422QBB84 Module, cpu US - MISCELLANEOUS 2021-10-20 03:19:00 Ver
N0010422QBB88 Switch connect assy US - MISCELLANEOUS 2021-10-20 03:19:00 Ver
N0010422QBB56 48--6" bonnet US - VALVES, NONPOWERED 2021-10-20 03:19:00 Ver